10 Best Beard Styles for Oval Faces (⬯)

Give your oval face the beard it deserves. Explore our top 10 beard styles for oval faces now!


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Do you have an oval face and are looking to reinvent your style? Look no further! We've got the best tips to help you find the perfect beard that will enhance your face.

Read on to discover the secrets everyone wants to know!

What is an oval face shape?

The oval face shape is a balanced and harmonious face shape. It is characterized by soft and rounded features, with a width slightly less than the length of the face.

In other words, the oval shape has a forehead that is slightly wider than the jaw and well-defined cheekbones. What's special about this face shape is that it accommodates a wide variety of beard styles, highlighting your natural features.

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How do you know if you have an oval face?

To determine if you have an oval face, just follow a few simple steps!

First, look at yourself in the mirror and note the following characteristics:

  • The length of your face is slightly greater than the width.
  • Your cheekbones are prominent, but without sharp angles.
  • Your forehead is slightly wider than your jaw.
  • The jaw has soft curves, without pronounced angles.

If these characteristics correspond to your morphology: you have an oval face!

What type of beard is suitable for an oval face?

The oval face is considered one of the most balanced and versatile face shapes: almost any beard style will do.
The secret lies in choosing a style that highlights your natural features and reflects your personality.

For men with an oval face, it is best to opt for a beard that :

  • Accentuates the cheekbones, drawing attention to this area.
  • Slightly frames the jawline, to create contrast and add definition.
  • Follows the natural contours of the face, to highlight the soft curves of the oval.
  • Reflects your style and personality, so you feel comfortable and confident.

With these tips in mind, you can try out different styles and find the one that suits you best. Take full advantage of the versatility your oval face offers!

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10 beard styles ideal for oval faces

Men with oval faces, these beard looks are for you!

Man cut beard very short
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The 3-day beard: a casual look, but not too much

Imagine a style that combines nonchalance and refinement. That's what the 3-day beardwith its slightly disheveled appearance.
In other words, it's a direct ticket to looking cool and casual while keeping your mature and sophisticated side. Charming, isn't it?

Man metisse short beard goatee under chin
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The goat: the focal point of your face

Draw the eye to your chin while adding a touch of elegance to your appearance? That's the promise of the famous goatee.
This well-defined beard concentrated on your chin gives a new dimension to your oval face.

Beard tony stark balbo anchor
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Anchor beard: emphasis on the features

Your oval face deserves to be framed by a work of art. And what better way than with the anchor beard for this? Combining mustache and goatee, this style subtly highlights your features, giving your face an attractive structure.

On a misunderstanding, one could even confuse you with Robert Downey Jr. aka Iron Man...

Moustache alone
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The moustache alone: the timeless classic

There's something comforting about the classics, don't you think? The moustache alone is no exception.
This style highlights your lips and cheekbones, adding a touch of understated elegance to your oval face. Who says fashion is just a trend?

Full beard style man
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The full beard: a frame for your face

The full beard, with its imposing presence, highlights the natural contours of your face. A bold statement of your masculinity. Nothing more, nothing less!
You could test the viking beard, of spartan or even bikerwhich are styles with a rather full beard!

Short black African man beard
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The short beard: elegance in simplicity

Do you want to look neat and professional without losing your manhood? The short beard is here for you. Well maintained and discreet, it gives a polished and elegant look to your oval face.

Short bearded man with degraded collar
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The necklace: contrast and structure

By wrapping your chin and jaw, the beard necklace adds contrast and structure to your face. A bold style statement that won't go unnoticed! For example, the Amish beard is a famous style of beard collar.

The balbo: dynamism at its peak

Are you looking to add a dose of energy to your style? The balbo beard is the answer. Composed of a mustache, a goatee and a soul patch, it injects an incomparable dynamism to your face.

Amish beard on point
Pointed beard

The spiky beard: a nod to your chin

The pointed beard highlights your chin by creating a triangular shape downward, giving your oval face a unique dimension. Dare to be different!

Van dyke beard cut
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The Van Dyke beard: a distinction without equal

The Van Dyke beard is a combination of separate mustache and goatee. It offers a unique look! This bold style is perfect for making a statement and showing off your personality.

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Which beard style for an oval and bald face?

For the bald and bearded men With an oval face, the beard can bring an interesting contrast and reinforce your style.

Here is a list of beard styles that are particularly suitable:

  • Full beard: It frames the face and creates a balance between the top and bottom of the face.
  • The 3-day beard: This lightweight cut adds a casual touch and highlights your natural features.
  • The short beard: A well-groomed, short beard is ideal for an elegant, professional look.
  • Goat: It draws attention to the chin and adds a sophisticated touch to your look.
  • The anchor beard: It combines a mustache and goatee to accentuate the facial features.
  • The Van Dyke beard : This distinctive style combines a mustache and goatee separated from each other.

Beard cuts to avoid with an oval face

While you may be lucky enough to be able to sport a wide variety of styles, there are a few cuts you should avoid! This can throw off the natural proportions of the face.

Here are some examples:

  • The beard too long : An excessively long beard can further elongate an oval face, which is not ideal. Instead, opt for a moderate length to maintain balance.
  • The too thick rouflaquettes : Thick sideburns can make your face look wider than it really is. Opt for thinner sideburns or a more balanced cut.
  • Asymmetrical cuts: Asymmetrical or very original beard cuts like the beard in tail of sign can create an impression of imbalance on an oval face. Choose symmetrical and harmonious cuts.

Avoiding these beard styles will allow you to enhance your oval face while maintaining its natural, harmonious proportions.

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Tips for your beard with an oval face

To achieve a flawless style that will enhance your face, follow these tips:

  • Regular maintenance : Trim and brush regularly to prevent the formation of untidy hairs and nodes.
  • Proportions: Keep the length moderate to maintain the balance and natural proportions of your face.
  • Contours : Consider the natural contours of your face and choose a beard cut that enhances them.
  • Experimentation: Try different beard styles to find the one that best suits your personality.
  • Consultation: Ask a barber for personalized advice based on your face and preferences.
  • Patience: Let your beard grow and fill in sparse areas before deciding on the cut to adopt. Patience is the key to obtaining a full and harmonious result!

Good hair care: the key to success!

To maintain a flawless beard that complements your oval face, it is essential to follow a few maintenance steps:

  • Prune: Prune regularly to eliminate the rebellious hairs, maintain a uniform length and keep a harmonious shape.
  • Clean : Wash your beard with a gentle beard shampoo to remove impurities and residues.
  • Moisturize : Apply oils regularly to nourish and moisturize your hair, while keeping the skin underneath healthy.
  • Brushing and combing for untangle hairto distribute the oils and stimulate growth.
  • Define the contours : Shave unwanted hair around the beard to create clean, defined contours that enhance your oval face. I recommend using a razor or a mower adapted for contours !

Accessories to take care of your beard

To maintain and style your beard with an oval face, here is a list of essential accessories:

  • Trimmer : Essential for trimming and maintaining the length of your beard, as well as creating clean contours.
  • Scissors : Ideal for precision touch-ups and removing stubborn hairs.
  • Brush: Detangle hair, distribute oils and stimulate growth.
  • Comb: Style and hold your haircut in place throughout the day.
  • Razor: To define the contours of your beard and shave it off.
  • Badger: Used to apply shaving cream and to prepare the skin for shaving.
  • Cream or shaving gel : Moisturizes and soothes to facilitate shaving and protect the skin.
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My final word on oval faces and beards

Choosing the right beard style for an oval face is essential to enhance your natural features and express your personality.

Remember to consider the length and density of your beard, experiment with different styles and consult a professional for personalized advice. Above all, maintain your beard with care to keep it looking neat and stylish!

You are curious to know the beard styles adapted to other face shapes ? Continue reading with our article on beard styles for round faces and find out how to choose the perfect cut to enhance your unique features.


Should men with oval faces wear beards?

Yes, oval faces can successfully sport a beard! Properly chosen and maintained, it can enhance natural features, balance proportions and add character.

Article written by Brandon

Amateur and passionate about beards since his first hairs (on his face), he is for the intimate and bearded Internet lovers the BarbierDuWeb. Advises and helps men for a healthy beard, through blog articles where you will find tests, his feelings but also comparisons and buying guides.

Sincerely yours, Brandon from BarbierDuWeb.

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